Please complete our Change of Tenancy Form by clicking one of the buttons below in relation to the services held at the premises. Once your request has been received, the team will then contact you within 14 days.
Important – What you will need to complete the form.
Evidence of the change of tenancy which can be:
• A certified lease or tenancy agreement.
• A termination of lease.
• A solicitor’s letter confirming the details of a move in or out of a property.
• Proof of purchase or sale of a property.
• A copy of your business rates if you are moving
• A copy of your public liability insurance.
We’re excited to let you know that from 1 June 2024, we’re changing our name and will be known as Clear Business.
We’ve put together some FAQ’s which we think you may find useful. Simply click here to find out more.
Don’t worry, there’s no change to your services and you’ll continue to receive the same great customer support you’re used to.